Col Crawford Lifestyle Cars …. Soon to be celebrating 50 Years on the Northern Beaches
Welcome to our ‘Birthday Blog’ that will share our plans for our impending 50th Birthday Celebrations in May 2017. We hope you enjoy the weekly post updates as we unfold our marketing campaign for this amazing milestone. ENJOY!
It’s not every day you turn 50! Col Crawfords 50th Birthday Celebrations, May 2017. A teaser with the Buckles….
It was with much excitement that both Bill Buckle Senior and Junior accepted our invitation to be a part of our impending Brand Campaign, “Congratulations Col”, Celebrating 50 Years in Business on the Northern Beaches. What made it even more special was the willingness of the Buckles to be involved. Col & Bill Snr probably see each other more these days in their retired life than before and now share a good social chat, reflect on the “good old days” and it is apparent the respect for each other remains. Both Bill Snr & Jnr joined Col & Steve at the dealership recently and as one Crawford staff member stated, it almost brought a tear to her eye when the 2 “old boys” were put together for a photograph – 2 legends, both to this community and certainly within the motor industry.
The business rivalry was alive and well in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s and that may have been expected as they were both entrepreneurs, highly motivated business people building their car dealerships. There certainly was respect. Bill Buckle saw Toyota as a Japanese brand of the future while Col saw Honda and Nissan as powerful Japanese brands too. The Crawfords went with German brand BMW whilst the Buckle’s went with Audi. And so the two best known car dealerships on the Northern Beaches grew, both very successfully, both employing 100’s of local people and both being part of this great community.
Thank you Buckles for your participation. It was sincerely appreciated and we are sure your involvement will contribute to a memorable campaign we have planned.
A teaser with McCreath Prestige Paint & Panel…
When Justin Hemmes made a speech last year around the opening of his new business, The Newport, his first business on the Northern Beaches, he reflected on his first impressions of the area. He shared that what stood out to him most was what a close knit community we have. And that is how we feel, and have done so for 50 years. We could think about many aspects of our lifestyle and our unique culture on the Beaches, be it supporting local communities, being passionate about our representative footy sides and sticking up for each other in many and various ways. Another aspect that makes the Northern Beaches is the way we do business.
We surveyed many people about who we should use in our Brand Campaign, “Congratulations Col”, Celebrating 50 Years in Business on the Northern Beaches, to help us tell the story of some core values we have, and Brookvale business McCreath Prestige Paint & Panel ranked highly. There wouldn’t be a better example that we could give, about local business supporting each other and working together to be successful and deliver the right level of service to our collective customers, than that of Col Crawfords & McCreaths. Both Col & Grahame McCreath started doing business with each other back in the 80’s, over 30 years ago, and this relationship bonded stronger when McCreaths were appointed BMWs preferred repairer for the area. This led to increased business with each other and recommending Crawford customers that needed panel repairs to McCreaths. The evolving business relationship had Grahame become one of Col’s greatest supporters in the numerous charity drives he pursued, with Grahame financially contributing significantly to the success of the Col Crawford Spastic Centre of NSW (now Cerebral Palsy Alliance) Charity Golf Days in particular. It doesn’t get much better – 2 business mates doing their bit in business but supporting each other in giving back to the community as well.
And as time moves on, one generation takes over with Grahame’s sons Dean & Carl McCreath working the business as Stephen Crawford and his sons do with Col Crawford’s. Two businesses as strong as ever.
Thankyou Grahame, Dean & Carl for participating and for your business mateship over all these years. We can’t wait to share our official 50th Birthday campaign with you in late November.
A teaser with Layne Beachley…
The Northern Beaches is about many things, the beaches, surfing, being a local, success, being an ambassador, giving back and supporting the community to name a few. Col met Layne Beachley through numerous local and charity events and particularly through both their support and work with The Cerebral Palsy Alliance (formerly known as The Spastic Centre of NSW). This association led to a respect for each other with what each had achieved in their own domain and the fact that there was a ‘want’ to give back and support the local area.
In our Brand Campaign, “Congratulations Col”, Celebrating 50 Years in Business on the Northern Beaches, no one more so than local seven-time world surfing champion Layne Beachley could symbolise some of the core values of this area and that of this company. As Layne and Col had a friendship we approached her to be a part of our birthday campaign and were absolutely delighted when she agreed. As part of our impending campaign, Layne took part in a photo shoot with Col recently, looking fantastic it must be said. We learnt that just the previous night she had been honoured for both her stellar surfing career and post-athletic feats when she was named as this year’s Hall of Famer in the Women’s Health | Support Women in Sports Awards.
Layne, congratulations on all your achievements and thank you for supporting us on this occasion.
A teaser with Carol & Sharyn Crawford ….
Daughters Carol & Sharyn joined Col Crawford for a photoshoot recently for their involvement in our Brand Campaign, “Congratulations Col”, Celebrating 50 Years in Business on the Northern Beaches. So in 1967 when the business first started, Col and his late wife Pam had a very very young family and the family grew up with Col Crawford Motors, cars, advertising and promotion as a big part of their lives. The recognition and pride from the family for Col and the acknowledgement of his achievements, are core to our impending 50th Birthday marketing campaign. For the girls to be seen with Col in the campaign advertising will be very special.
We make special mention of Caz & Shaz for their involvement in the Col Crawford story and their support to Col and the business. The girls themselves are both well liked and respected Northern Beaches locals and we should all be very proud.
A teaser with The Cerebral Palsy Alliance (CPA) …
We are proud to be celebrating 50 years in business and we are certainly proud of Col in many ways with what he has achieved. Being asked to run with the Olympic Touch in 2000 was a hoot for all and made us very proud. Col being nominated for an OAM and receiving it was another. We reflect on why a car dealer on the Northern Beaches of Sydney was honoured with such things. Words from Marelle Thornton, President of CPA in a letter dated 11th August 2011, give us some idea as it reads “It is now almost 3 decades since we first met – a meeting that was to enhance the lives of many, many children and adults with cerebral palsy and their families.” “……your special connection with our families are an indelible record of your selfless giving and super effort in making a difference to others. It has been said that real heroes leave two important legacies for the future generations – their great name and their great example. Col, you are one of those heroes.”
With our long, ongoing and great association with CPA it was only fitting that we asked Marelle, now retired and past president of CPA, to be a part of our Brand Campaign, “Congratulations Col”, Celebrating 50 Years in Business on the Northern Beaches. Marelle, thank you for your kind words about Col in that letter, nominating him for the OAM, your great friendship and having our two institutions so close and wanting in support for each other.
A teaser with the Bayfields …. What a great family and Northern Beaches icons in their own right, The Bayfields. What great friends, customers, business associates and co-sponsors of local sport, charities and institutions. It was therefore fitting that we asked Wayne and Mark Bayfield to be part of our Brand Campaign, “Congratulations Col”, Celebrating 50 Years in Business on the Northern Beaches.
The Northern Beaches is about community, family and lifestyle. We reflect back over the many years that we have been associated with The Bayfield’s be it with a promotion at The Newport Arms, a charity fun run or our ongoing mutual sponsorship of Warringah Rugby Club. We could reflect back on great members of each family that are no longer with us, both loved dearly and driving forces behind each family, the late Neville Bayfield and the late Pammy Crawford. We can also look at the next generation of the families “growing up”, starting to make their own footprint and influencing future business directions.
Thank you Mark & Wayne for joining us. It is very special for the Crawford family to have your support with this campaign. There is a saying “make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold” and we sincerely appreciate our golden relationship.
Under the Banyan Tree. Harrison, Emma, Jade, Jake and Will (left to right) are all young. 50 years seems a long time and that is what the ad will say. But also “Congratulations Pop” and as the young generation is allowed to say about their Grandfather….”You’re the Best.”
This photo was taken on a recent family holiday in Hawaii, where 3 generations travelled. Col has been a loving and supportive Grandfather and there is plenty of love and respect. From a grandchild’s point of view they would reflect on a few things: Pop demands good manners. You must be respectful. Being groomed in the right way is important. Staying healthy, and fit. Doing the right thing – “treat others like you would want to be treated yourself”…”speak to others as you would want to be spoken to”… most of these are a “must do”. Nag, nag but relevant and advice shared with love. As important is to have fun, enjoy yourself, laugh and have many friends. These are some of Col’s greatest qualities and when the whole family is together, the youngest generation get it … there is so much fun, good times and laughter.
Congratulation Pop and to the 5 of you, thank you for being a part of our celebration. #colcrawfordlifestylecars#happybirthday#50years